Thursday, January 29, 2009


The truth of the matter is that we do not have enough information about Barrack Obama to make a conclusion about the legitimacy of his elected status as President. And, that is the problem.
And, in the mind of any fellow countryman, that, in itself, sets the default position to reject the offering of him to that office. Yet, still, this man has been installed. A thespian acting under the guise of authenticity.

Any well adjusted, balanced individual understands that if a man’s authentication is submitted for approval upon the absence of vital information which, otherwise, might certainly disqualify him from that opportunity, then he was never authentic to begin with. And, therefore, anything he commands upon the authority he falsely believes he has, is null and void until he is brought before the standard bearer, in this case the Constitution, and measured to the standards it prescribes.

The mis-election of Barrack Obama has become the symbol of America’s tragic pathology. It stands to reason that he comes at us during this time in history, following a decade of fearful transfiguration, while America is exposed to the dangers of international, radical hate. We have emerged to a place in our national identity when we can no longer rely on the old boundaries, ideologically or geopolitically, as a protective buffer.
Wherewithin, it was held upon a truth that America was a nation of heroes and ideals which the rest of humanity had little understanding of, America didn’t become powerful and successful until the rest of the world recognized it as such.

And, in one generation, upon the blood and sacrifice of its greatest people, it became the quintessential treasure which the people of the world would aspire for. This was established so indelibly that the underachievers of earth’s inhabitants wager their very lives for the chance to come here. They abandon their known way of life for the dream reality of America without having ever been told about the reasons WHY America they should go.

So, let’s ask the question. What makes America this treasured place? What has made it simultaneously, the most loved indwelt and most remotely hated place on earth?

Some would say it is a place of opportunity. It certainly is. But, what is this ambiguously defined opportunity and who provides it? Is it an opportunity to come and live here while being supported by an over generous state welfare system, entitling a provision that cripples the recipient into believing that resources from which they benefit come to them at no cost to anyone else?

Certainly, they must understand the value of anything is established by those upon whom the price for it was exacted. Are the original patrons not the principled characters who made the transaction of value, in some form, whether by the exchange of effort, blood, property, money or service, and therefore are endowed, solely with the right to establish the value of subsequent attainments.
It is a vile injustice to advertise America as a place where we simply make and pay a day’s wages for a day’s labor without clarifying the requirement of labor needed to receive those wages. We must learn to tell the rest of the world that if they want to be Americans, they must understand the price those paid before them to make it a place they want to be. And, more importantly, they must understand WHO those grand nation makers were. They should be made to respect the substance of our historical worthiness and intent of our Creator’s purpose for America.
Immigrates and aliens alike should share our willingness to abandon immediacy and convenience with the hope of something far greater for posterity. As we are now, this is simply not true. We have become a vain trough of social pandering and wasteful entitlement for every foreign born vagrant with a suckling orifice or outstretched hand.

Or, is it the geographic and infrastructural resources which exist here that give America command? Systems of conveyance for transporting everything from information to food, from essentials to extravagances, from cargo to people in America are unmatched by any nation in the history of mankind.
It was estimated in 2006 by the International Economic Development Foundation that Americans move more materials and information every day than the rest of the planet’s inhabitants combined. As one example, when the earthquake occurred, triggering the tsunami which struck the Indian Ocean region in 2004, it was Americans, not Thais or Cambodians, or southern Indians who learned of it first. We received the warning before those in its path of destruction had, and the wave didn’t even reach the shores of America.

Or, if you believe like I do, it is because of a specific, very small minority of people in America that have made this nation such a treasure. They have their roots in our founding fathers and in the originators of the idea of America, which was handed to them by a higher Power. The value of America exists in the character of families and, more specifically, the history of sacrifice, generosity, ingenuity and selflessness. People like my grandfathers; Men willing to abandon their homes and families to defend foreign nations abroad from our enemies.

If it is ever said that America is a good place, it is because of these. They made America. They define it. And, they are the only ones privileged with the honor of determining the lawful eligibility of those who receive its blessings. They are the kings of our destiny. And, their throne remains as an expression of freedom and prosperity and blessings which are the America that the rest of world admires and hates with such passion.

Enter the pretend leader. Like a thief in our time of darkness, he raids our refuge as the illegitimate figurehead for which much effort has been taken to hide from our deeper consciousness the vile truth of his identities and standing. He has been created by liars, and promoted by them in such a way as to allow him to be as imperceptible, yet undeniable, as possible. Then, he is installed by the moral indigents of false creed under the execution of systemically flawed electoral processes.
Voila.......Barrack Obama.

Good For The Goose...Good For The Pander

It was once said well, ironically, in the liberally tainted screenplay "JFK". The script induces that many of us have become Hamlets in America; Orphaned children of our dying founding-father leader’s, whose killers seek to possess the credit for their pristine throne.

The rendition goes on to say that “….the ghosts of our founding fathers confront us with the secret destruction at the heart of the American dream and that they force upon us the appalling questions: Of what is our constitution made? What is our citizenship, and more, our lives, worth?”

If we were allowed to paraphrase the rest of the script for our situation, it might read something like the following:

"What is the future of a democracy when a suspect presidential candidate can be elected to office under conspicuously suspicious circumstances while the machinery of our media and legal systems scarcely tremble?

How many more political lies disguised as environmentalism, social justice, racial equality, affirmative action……how many acts of terrorism and visits to ill grandmothers will occur before they are exposed for what they are?

“Treason doth never prosper,” wrote an English poet, "What’s the reason? For, if it prosper, those in its commission dare not call it treason."
Instead, they selfishly call it “justice.”

The American public has yet to see Obama’s personal records. Why? The American public has yet to see the real documents and evidence of his citizenship and international travel. Why? There are hundreds of documents and testimonies that could help resolve this issue. Why are they being withheld and silenced by the Obama political machine and other members of our government?

Each time courageous legal councilors, or you, the American people, have justifiably asked these questions or demanded crucial evidence, the answer from on high has always been given under the auspices of “right to privacy”, or you’ve been reviled by accusations of racism.
That kind of privacy and censorship is…..when it smells like it, feels like it and looks like, you call it what it is.

What took place on November 4, 2008 was a coup-de-taut. It’s most direct and tragic result was the reversal of President Bush’s commitment to defeat radical, global Islamic terrorism while securing access to energy resources for our grandchildren. The synchronization of environmental legislation with energy security is the biggest business in the world worth more than three and one half trillion dollars a year.

Barrack Hussein Obama was elected by a conspiracy that was planned in advance by the highest levels of domestic and foreign influence, and it was carried out by fanatical indigents of the liberal establishment along with the malignant race-mongering, christaphobic industries of the network media and covert operation of the leftist financier apparatus. Among them, the broadcast affiliations of ABC, CBS, NBC, as well as fringe groups like ACORN, The NAACP, the ACLU and the burnt out remnant members of the worthless baby-boom generation. This includes liberal cultists and their ineffectual 1960’s anti-government movement now so prevalent throughout the modern democrat witchery, all openly and militantly biased presently before you.

The 2008 election was a public murder of the democratic process. And, it was covered up by like minded individuals in the American liberally biased media, foreign governments, the democrat majority of Congress, and appointed liberal Judges of our supreme court, up to and including despots of the financial industry, who we consider accomplices of this deceit upon the American people, after the fact.

This election reduced the office of the president to little more than an theatrical agent, and, more despicably, to nothing but a tool for liberal indoctrination. His job, his assignment, is to speak as often as possible of this nation’s desire for global likability and human values, while he acts as a business agent for congress in their desire for unilateral legislation of the environment through urbanized entitlement and dependence ideology.

Now, some people say we conservatives are crazy. Rural caricatures seeking higher purpose. Well, there is a simple way to determine if we are paranoid. Let’s ask the members of our government who befitted most from this election, Mr. Obama and the liberal democrats of congress, to order the release of the 800 documents and affidavits of testimony pertaining to the identity, birth, cultural affiliations and residential history of Barrack Obama. Or, the “top secret” records on Obama’s educational, immigration, travel and medical history, including his international activities in the 1980’s in Indonesia, Kenya, India and Pakistan, that seem to have miraculously and conveniently disappeared just as concerned Americans began to request them.

But, what is even more intriguing, being the legitimate candidate that leftist bastions of our society claim he is, why would he want to conceal these vital truths about his identity if they do indeed, as the liberal sentiment claims, exonerate him anyway?

This can only be explained as the unintended consequence of an over-wielded elitism perched upon the stanchions of self fed audacity. He enters the marble hall already clothed in the autonomous presupposition that he need never respond to the necessity of our lowly inquisition. It is beneath him, in his delusional mind.

However, the truth is that all this information is yours. The people’s property. It became your property the moment Mr. Obama declared his candidacy for the public office of Presidency, in your service. You pay for it.

But, because the government considers us children who might be too disturbed or distressed to face the reality of his ineligibility, after the populous declaration of his messianic destiny, or because you might lynch those involved, you cannot see this information about his identity for an undeclared, undetermined amount of time….if ever.

I will have certainly shuffled off this mortal coil long before any truthful determination is made about this disingenuous man. But, I am already telling the young people in my life to keep their selves physically fit and healthy. So, that one glorious day, sometime in the future, they can walk into the national archive or the law library of the Supreme Court and find out what the DNC and Mr. Obama actually knows about his phony existence and this grand lie. They may even work to conceal the truth then. It may become a generational affair, with questions passed down from father to son, mother to daughter.

But, someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth. We better. We better, or we might just as well build ourselves another government, or write ourselves a less genuine constitution. Like the emancipation proclamation says, “…whereas the authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons..”

An American naturalist wrote, “A Patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government.”
I would hate to be in the shoes of those with power of right and wrong. You have a lot to think about. You will soon see much hidden evidence and things the majority of the American public will never see or understand.

Going back to when we were children, most of us in traditional America thought that justice came into being automatically, that the virtue of truth was its own reward. That good would always triumph over evil.

But, as time goes by, we realize this just isn’t always true. As we live life in a corrupt social structure, we realize the divisiveness of the moment imposes deceit upon truth, if not only for the benefit of the present, but also to satisfy the blind lusts of the few.

Individual human beings have to create justice. And, this is not easy, because the truth often poses a threat to power. And, one often has to fight power at great risk to them selves. People like Dr. Alan Keyes, Deputy District Atty., Philip Berg, Andrew Martin, Stephen Marquis have all taken that risk. They’ve all come forward.

Mr. Berg’s website alone has raised nearly $100,000, sent to his office from all over the country. Dollars, change, checks, electronic contributions……..from house wives, plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, invalids. These are people who cannot afford to send money but do. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in the hospitals, who support their kids serving in the middle east.

Why? Because, they care. Because, they want to know the truth. Because, they want their country back. Because it still belongs to us. As long as the people have the guts to fight for what they believe in.

The truth is the most important value we have. Because if the truth does not endure, if the government murders truth, if we cannot respect the hearts of these people, then this is NOT the country in which I was born, and it is certainly not the country I want to die in.
Shakespeare wrote, “..know, thou noble youth, the serpent that did sting thy father's life now wears his crown……remember me…..”

This was never more true than for those who oppose the fraudulent appointment of Barrack Obama, whose election was probably one of the most terrible moments in the electoral history of our country.

You, the people of traditional and conservative values, to which has been entrusted the worth and validity of the American cause, in fulfilling your duty to expose this loathsome house of cards, show this world that this is still a nation of the people, for the people and by the people. Demonstrate the effectiveness of your national sovereignty by bringing upon these desolate people a weight of conviction and judgment that removes them from the privilege of American leadership.

Nothing else will ever be more important." (As paraphrased from Oliver Stone’s script of JFK.)
How important the media complex is in this country. The manipulation of information without consequence, the lies, the corruption, the indecency of massive organizations to which the deranged public pays homage. And, by what passive authority do they seize jurisdiction over the determination of what is important and what should or should not be conveyed to the masses.
Many might say that, “…. That which gets your attention, gets you!!”

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Obamessiah Cometh.....

Hitler was quoted as stating, “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.”

Prior to the installment of Obama, good men and women of the greatest generation, those of the Depression Era who fought during World War II, made a commitment to freedom through an understanding and reverence for the actual price of peace. In doing so, they made themselves dangerous to inferior characters, then and now, like Obama, who are obstinately committed to the “remaking of America”, as he so stated in his Inaugural Address, through the destruction of its true ideals and reinterpreted permissions for constitutionally distorted abjection.

Of course, he has help. The American media complex has become the juggernaut of misinformation that we all feared it might. Simply remaining silent about 800,000 pound gorillas, or disparaging anyone with the courage to challenge the socialist views of their rogue candidate, are just a few of the methods of torture used by the panderers of liberal slag.

We should mourn the end of our grand old age.

The new liberal is one who has taken pains to disguise the intended purpose of our republic’s originators by mystifying the message, mixing lies with half truths, while repackaging the American Constitution as a meaningless document haphazardly concocted by racists and expatriated, old white men. Their default nature is to work toward this end through hate-driven reneging of policy previously constructed on traditional Judeo-Christian principles, or conservatism. They are simply motivated to act in accordance with their wretched politics for the benefit, attainment and maintenance of power over the people of America, who are the advanced citizenry of humanity.

From the first moment we saw the newly embedded Barrack Hussein Obama, we knew he was trying to get away with something untoward. His elevated demeanor and extravagant language was contrived. His polished delivery was compensation for intrinsic deficiencies of character and a marked absence of honesty. And, yet, still, as the cold Chicago wind began to freeze Oprah’s tear-ridden cheeks, Obama was frighteningly sincere in his expository glorification of subject matter he was lying about.

The most significant thing that bothers decent people about Barrack Obama is that there is nothing particularly honorable about the man. What grand, selfless statement has he made in his life demonstrating appreciation for the privileges and opportunities blessed upon him since he was deposited in America. He possesses little more than education, which he came by with the provision of a welcoming society, vastly completed and sealed by worthier path makers, long before his realization to take advantage of it. His obvious capacity for language and verbal delivery might serve him well if he were say, the son of Ronald Reagan rather than the socially illegitimate reproductive consequence of a dead-beat African descendent, and not so embroiled in controversy over his personal datum.

But, because of his covert nature and black-ops approach in obtaining his current notoriety, we have more questions about him than confidence in him.

Upon the evidence submitted by a shortsighted elective consensus, if we are indeed going to establish race as a justification for honoring extraordinary achievement and honorability, as apposed to any reason why we should all passively receive some other man, we might be more intrigued by the lives of men like Michael Anderson or Dr. Ron McNair, Ph.D., than Barrack Obama.

McNair and Anderson are two black men who gave their lives in the course of service to our nation, as astronauts during the Columbia and Challenger NASA Shuttle missions, respectively. These heroic men serve America far better with their example of leadership, life application and selfless sacrifice than that of coat-tail riding politicians and idea peddlers.

On the disdainful question of race, ironically, and completely contrary to what the mainstream media lusts for you to believe, it remains a teeth-gnashing reality for pro-reparation punditry that Obama’s success is not the result of his black heritage, but rather the result of being rejected by it. In this case, it seems, the absence of a father actually promoted Obama rather than hindered him. This is a tough pill to swallow for the radical leftists because it remains the demographic qualities afforded by race that fuel their delusion of reparative justice.

But, what rights to privacy and protection from bigotry do we have when we’ve been robbed of our eligible leaders, their candidacy tossed aside by the illegal defiance of absurd social engineering? What right to privacy through censorship of the public's rightful requests, permits the removal of fundamental power from the hands the American people and validates the ascendency of puppet government in the United States?
It is widely held that that the office of the president is greater than the individual who serves in it. Whereas this applies to anyone desiring to become more important than the position, it is, however, possible for an individual to diminish the effectiveness and credibility of the position. When the office is not sought for honorable reasons, and fulfilled as such, then it diminishes the honorability of the office. If a lawbreaker is elected while he conceals his criminality from those who elect him, the election process itself is not held in contempt. The man is. And if he assumes the position for which he was mis-elected, and is allowed to serve as president even after those who support him have knowledge of his wrongdoing, the ramifications of his offense will have tragic consequences to the identity and integrity of national public service policy. Not to mention the credibility of the office of the president is compromised, internationally.

And, so, we find ourselves amidst a leadership conglomeration of the politically and morally desolate. A desolation that has wrought itself so discriminately from the despotic left, that we scarcely recognize any characteristics of decency in their modern purpose. Their derelict offenses on American society are the result of politically driven, hysterical blindness and ideological hate for anything or anyone contending their dissonant ignorance. Liberals in America today don’t have the first clue about how or what to prioritize as a matter of national welfare and security. Their servitude to politics over common decency or the alleviation of real suffering will always take precedence upon the liberal docket.

Suddenly, we are imposed upon by a deceiver. The only evidence of his existence and intentions come to us after it has been strained and contrived through a chain of possession and through manipulators of interpretation. We only see the shiny, jewel-laden cloak, as the reprobation is subdued, and the vile cause is hastened that they may assume jurisdiction over the minds and bodies of a bowing consensus. Against decent people, he now stands as a requisite tool possessing the characteristics endowed to him by invisible alien forces, constructing doctrinal architecture with insidious justifications, lost in ideology, implementing a damnable strategy of deception, and violating the laws of nature in offense of God, Himself.